Fearless Salary Negotiation

Chapter 3. How to ace your next interview

Learn more about job interviews

Key concepts to help you ace your next job interview.

How to prepare for a job interview

Preparing for job interviews is extremely important. Here are some things you can do to prepare for your next job interview. Read more

The Dreaded Salary Question

One of the most common starting salary neogotiation mistakes is disclosing your current or desired salary during the interview process. Here's how to avoid it. Read more

The pre-interview phase

Here's how to make the most of the pre-interview phase before you dive into the interview process. Read more

The interview

Here are a few easy things you can do to ensure that your job interviews start off on the right foot. Read more

Common interview questions

Here are eight types of job interview questions you should expect along with how to prepare for them. Read more

The wrap-up phase of a job interview

The interview isn't quite over when you've finished answering questions. There's still an opportunity to excel in your job interview. Read more

How to handle curveball questions in a job interview

Curveball questions can really throw you off in a job interview. Here's how to make sure you give good answers to unexpected questions. Read more

Venue-specific job interview tips

Things to consider for each job interview venue—in-person, Skype, or phone call. Read more

Follow up with a thank you email after your job interview

Even after you finish your job interviews, you can continue to impress and stay in touch by sending thanks you emails. Read more

How to check in after your job interviews

You should follow up weekly for at least a few weeks after your job interview to stay on the company's radar. Read more

You've changed jobs before and felt like you were leaving money on the table. You never have to feel that way again.

In this free 5-email series, I will show you how to conquer that feeling for good.
      Chapter 2. How to estimate your market value
      Chapter 4. How to negotiate your new salary

      Work with Josh

      Negotiating a job offer soon? I'll help!

      I'm Josh Doody, a professional salary negotiation coach who helps High Earners negotiate their job offers. On average, High Earners improve their first-year compensation by $47,273 with my help.

      Apply for a free 15-minute intro call to learn how I can help.

      Work with Josh Or learn more about Josh