Fearless Salary Negotiation

Chapter 4. How to negotiate your new salary

Learn more about negotiating starting salary

Key concepts to help you negotiate your starting salary.

Why you should negotiate your starting salary

You should negotiate your starting salary to maximize your pay when starting a new job. Here's why. Read more

Why are you the best candidate for this position?

How to describe why you're a valuable candidate for the position by addressing the company's specific goals and needs. Read more

Minimum acceptable salary

When you negotiate starting salary, it's critical to decide your minimum acceptable salary before you receive a job offer. Read more

How to handle the post-interview follow-up call

How to get the initial job offer without disclosing your desired salary and making your case that you're the best candidate for the postition. Read more

How to respond to a job offer

You should negotiate starting salary. But first, ask for some time to consider the job offer so you can plan for the negotiation. Read more

Counteroffer even if you really like the job offer

You should counter offer even if you really like your job offer because you could leave money on the table. Read more

You aggression factor

A simple way to determine how aggressive you should be when negotiating starting salary. Read more

How to determine your counteroffer when negotiating starting salary

A step-by-step method to determine the right counteroffer for your specific situation. Read more

An example showing how to deliver your counter offer in an email

It's best to deliver your counter offer in an email. Here is a counter offer email example with detailed explanation. Read more

Preparing for your final salary negotiation discussion

After you counter offer, you'll usually have one more discussion to finalize your compensation. Here is how to prepare for your final salary negotiation discussion. Read more

How to maximize your starting salary and other benefits in the Final Discussion

How to follow your script to maximize your starting salary and other benefits at a new job. Read more

You've changed jobs before and felt like you were leaving money on the table. You never have to feel that way again.

In this free 5-email series, I will show you how to conquer that feeling for good.
      Chapter 3. How to ace your next interview
      Chapter 5. How to leave a job on the best possible terms

      Work with Josh

      Negotiating a job offer soon? I'll help!

      I'm Josh Doody, a professional salary negotiation coach who helps High Earners negotiate their job offers. On average, High Earners improve their first-year compensation by $47,273 with my help.

      Apply for a free 15-minute intro call to learn how I can help.

      Work with Josh Or learn more about Josh