Fearless Salary Negotiation

Follow up with a thank you email after your job interview

Sample thank you emails you can send after a job interview

Even after you finish your job interviews, you can continue to impress and stay in touch by sending thanks you emails.

Now you’ve aced the Interview, but your work isn’t done yet—you still have a few more opportunities to stand out in the post-interview.

First, if you happen to have your interviewer’s email address (we’re calling him Andy), shoot him a very, very short email thanking him for his time. You’ll also want to discretely share your contact information just in case he needs it later. Unless there’s something specific he expects you to follow up on, don’t ask any new questions or give Andy any action items in this email. This is just a short email to say “Thanks!” and demonstrate professionalism; it shouldn’t require a response.

A sample thank you email to send to your interviewer

You’ll also want to send an email to the recruiter if that person and Andy are different people. There’s one wrinkle here: If you don’t have Andy’s contact information, you’ll want to ask the recruiter thank him for you and let him know that you appreciated his time.

A sample thank you email to send to the recruiter you’re working with

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      Venue-specific job interview tips
      How to check in after your job interviews

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