Interview prep

How strong is your résumé?

Get a detailed video review of a real life résumé

by Josh Doody

It’s not just HR who is looking at your résumé! I sit down with Eric to dissect this résumé from an HR and Developer perspective.

Learn what hiring managers are looking for when they review your résumé!

Key takeaways

  • Your “objective” or “positioning” statement should be a short paragraph. If you want to share more about yourself and your qualifications for this role, that’s what your cover letter is for.
  • Make your résumé skimmable. The hiring manager will probably be in a hurry, so make it easy to skim your résumé for the most relevant information.
  • Make your résumé longer because you have to, not because you can.
  • When listing your experience, choose the most pertinent activities and describe how they benefited the business whenever possible.
  • Tailor your résumé to the particular job posting by mimicking the job posting language whenever possible.

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