Before you go, here's one more thing that will help you negotiate right now

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"We would like to extend you a job offer..."

You didn't realize those words would be so terrifying until you heard them out loud. You simultaneously felt a sense of relief that you finally got a job offer and a sense of dread as you realized you didn't know what to do next.

It doesn't feel right to simply accept their first offer. What if you leave money on the table?

So that means you should negotiate! But what if they retract the offer? Then what? All that work for nothing? That's a scary prospect.

Fortunately, there is a method you can use to tactfully negotiate your job offer without seeming greedy so you don't leave money on the table.

That method is Fearless Salary Negotiation, a valuable bundle of my essential resources, including a book, worksheets that do all the math for you, templates to help you say and write all the right things, and amazing bonuses to really help drive it all home so you get paid what you're worth.

The most common salary negotiation mistake? Not negotiating at all.

The result? She made an additional $15,000 in base salary by negotiating her job offer.

Ashley was interviewing for a new consulting opportunity at a software company. Her old company was going through a significant reorganization, and she was looking for a new opportunity in a more stable working environment. She was even willing to accept a lateral move in pay to get out of the old company and into a new one. She wasn't planning to negotiate if they made her an offer that matched her current salary.

We scheduled a time to talk and I asked her some questions:

  • "What is your market value?" Quite a bit higher than her current pay.
  • "How do you stack up against other consultants in your industry?" She was one of the most experienced consultants in the industry.
  • "How badly does this new company need your expertise?" They desperately needed her specific skillset and experience.

She was in a very strong negotiating position, but didn't even plan to negotiate if they could meet her current salary! With a little bit of coaching, she decided to negotiate rather than accepting a lateral move.

We began by focusing on how should could answer each interview question to position herself as the candidate for the job. That helped her get a stronger job offer with more room to negotiate.

Once she had a strong offer in hand, she used the Fearless Salary Negotiation method to negotiate from a position of strength, building on the momentum she built during her interviews.

This valuable method will earn you thousands of dollars

The best part? You can use the same Fearless Salary Negotiation method Ashley used over and over throughout your career when you change jobs and you can use it at your current job. It's easy and repeatable.

What is the Fearless Salary Negotiation method worth for you?

If you could negotiate a $5,000 increase, you would make $5,000 more that first year. And you would make $5,000 the next year, and the next year, and the next year. Over 20 years, that $5,000 salary increase would be worth more than $100,000. That’s a lot of money to leave on the table out of frustration or fear.


I made an additional $8,000 in base salary and landed a better job thanks to the interview and salary negotiation strategies I learned from Fearless Salary Negotiation! Now I can do more boring things like save for retirement, and fun things like travel more.

Jared Allen

Senior Software Developer

Thanks to Fearless Salary Negotiation, I was able to earn another $11,000 with a single email. This is the most valuable email I’ve ever sent, and I wouldn’t have sent it if it wasn’t for Fearless Salary Negotiation.

Justin Abrahms

Senior Software Engineer

Using techniques from Fearless Salary Negotiation—along with the included email templates and worksheets—I accepted a new job after getting my salary increased by $20K from the original offer along with an extra week of vacation! I had the confidence to go in with a strong negotiating position based on the knowledge I gained from the book.

Josh C.

Senior Business Development Executive

Fearless Salary Negotiation provides a thoughtful salary negotiation and market research framework. I used it to negotiate $10,000 more in base salary at a new firm.

John Miller

Financial Advisor

Thanks to the ideas and strategies in Fearless Salary Negotiation, I was able to negotiate a $13,000 per year raise. You would be foolish to not invest in this resource. The ROI is ludicrous.

Mike G., Chief Financial Officer

Mike G.

Chief Financial Officer

Because of Fearless Salary Negotiation I got an extra $25,000 in salary…which means it could be realistic for my family to stay here instead of having to move somewhere cheaper.

J. D.

With the tactics in Fearless Salary Negotiation I negotiated an additional $6,000 on my starting salary at my new job as a Senior Software Engineer. And all of my future salary increases will all be relative to this higher starting salary, so I am likely to receive larger raises from here on out.

Jason Voegele

Senior Software Engineer

What's in the Book

Table of Contents

Fearless Salary Negotiation is your ultimate guide to tactfully negotiating your job offer without leaving anything on the table... and so much more! You'll also learn how to estimate your market value, ace your job interviews, and get raises and promotions when you're ready!

What You Get With The Basic Bundle

Get these essential tools to get paid what you're worth

The Book!

The Fearless Salary Negotiation in PDF, ePub and mobi formats

  • The PDF is 200 pages
  • You also get ePub and mobi versions so you can read on your preferred device

4 Worksheets

4 detailed worksheets to help you implement everything you learn.

  • Build your case for your next raise or promotion
  • Estimate the market value of your skillset and experience
  • Navigate the entire salary negotiation process

7 Email Templates

Taken from real-world examples to make communicating with recruiters, hiring managers, and bosses easy. Templates to...

  • Follow up throughout the interview process
  • Deliver your counteroffer in a salary negotiation
  • Request your next raise or promotion

Or Get The Basic Bundle And More...

With the Complete Bundle

Video Courses

5 hours of easy-to-follow video courses show you how to...

  • Estimate your market value
  • Ace your next interview
  • Negotiate a new job offer
  • Negotiate a raise or promotion

The Interview Cheat Sheet

Prepare for your next interview in 15 minutes

  • A script to answer the dreaded salary questions
  • A checklist of basic facts to learn about the role
  • Common question types to expect
  • Questions you can ask

15 more email templates

Bonus templates covering common interactions you'll have with your recruiter and hiring manager, including...

  • Asking for time to consider an offer
  • Accepting and Declining job offers
  • Tender your resignation

Detailed Case Studies

See how others have negotiated their salaries when...

  • They already shared their salary expectations
  • They underestimated their value
  • Their offer is already very strong

Expert Interviews

Learn what hiring managers are looking for

  • How to use positioning to stand out
  • How to make your resume unique

Mastering Business Email: How to write emails that get read

Be more professional in your business communications

  • How to structure your emails
  • Get more responses
  • Impress colleagues

Check out this Sample Lesson

What do you say when they ask you for your current salary or your salary expectations?

Lifetime Updates

You own the book and courses—I don’t use DRM or limit the number of devices you can use—and you will own them forever.

Plus I'll email you to let you know when I update the book or courses for the lifetime of the product.

Happy Customer Guarantee

You're protected by the Happy Customer Guarantee: If you’re not happy with the book or courses, reach out any time and I’ll refund your money.

That’s it—there’s no fine print. I know how valuable Fearless Salary Negotiation is and I know you’ll find it valuable.

Option #1 - The Basics

Just The Essentials for Fearless Salary Negotiation

  • Fearless Salary Negotiation PDF, ePub, mobi
  • 4 detailed worksheets to estimate your market value, negotiate your job offer, and ask for a raise or promotion
  • 7 email templates with the exact words to say after your interviews, when you negotiate, or when asking your boss for a raise or promotion
  • 5 hours of easy-to-follow video courses to learn concepts quickly and see them in action
  • Interview Cheat Sheet to prepare for any interview in 15 minutes
  • 15 more email templates in addition to the templates in the book
  • 3 Case Studies show you how others negotiated their salaries
  • 2 Expert Interviews to learn what hiring managers are looking for
  • Mastering Business Email to help you write more professional business emails

Option #2 - The Complete Bundle

The Complete Bundle for Fearless Salary Negotiation

  • Fearless Salary Negotiation PDF, ePub, mobi
  • 4 detailed worksheets to estimate your market value, negotiate your job offer, and ask for a raise or promotion
  • 7 email templates with the exact words to say after your interviews, when you negotiate, or when asking your boss for a raise or promotion
  • 5 hours of easy-to-follow video courses to learn concepts quickly and see them in action
  • Interview Cheat Sheet to prepare for any interview in 15 minutes
  • 15 more email templates in addition to the templates in the book
  • 3 Case Studies show you how others negotiated their salaries
  • 2 Expert Interviews to learn what hiring managers are looking for
  • Mastering Business Email to help you write more professional business emails

Still have questions?

Fearless Salary Negotiation isn't for everyone...

I've never negotiated before. Will Fearless Salary Negotiation work for me?

You don't need to be an experienced negotiator to negotiate your salary. You'll have no trouble picking up the tactics I teach you to negotiate your salary.

Can I negotiate my salary if this is my first job?

The main reason to negotiate is that there might be room to negotiate. Whether you’re a recent college grad looking for your first full-time job, or an experienced executive looking to level up, you'll only know if there's room to negotiate by trying it.

What if I'm not negotiating my salary right now?

Even if you just got a raise, Fearless Salary Negotiation will help you plan for your next raise or promotion. Or if you're changing jobs soon, you can use it to work on your interview skills so you get more job offers.

Remember that example above where you negotiated $5,000 more in base salary and that added up to more than $100,000 over the next 20 years of your career? If you wait just one year, then that same $5,000 is only worth $95,000 over the next 20 years. Wait two years and that same $5,000 increase is only worth $90,000 over the next 20 years. The sooner you start getting paid what you're worth, the more money you will make over the course of your career.

Fearless Salary Negotiation is designed to be useful at any point in your career. So you can use it now whether you just negotiated your salary or plan to soon.

How long does this take?

You can read Fearless Salary Negotiation cover to cover in about 4 hours on a Sunday afternoon. I'll even send you short emails with one key takeaway from each chapter so you get the highlights if you can't start reading right away.

The courses are about three hours total, so you could easily knock those out on Sunday afternoon. I don’t like fluff, so Fearless Salary Negotiation is a lean guide full of tactics and light on fluff.

I've already read the book. Do I need the courses and expert interviews too?

My book is the 101 version of the content. The courses, expert interviews, Interview Cheat Sheet, Case Studies, and other bonuses are the 201 level of the content.

The courses and other bonus contents allow use to go deeper and so you learn you more about how to get paid what you're worth.

Can I get my money back if I'm not happy?

Absolutely! You're protected by the Happy Customer Guarantee. If you buy Fearless Salary Negotiation Starter or Complete bundle and you're not happy with your purchase, just let me know and I'll refund your money.

Strategy and Tactics from a Salary Negotiation Expert

I'm Josh Doody, a professional salary negotiation coach who helps High Earners get more job offers and negotiate higher salaries. On average, my clients improve their job offers by $47,273.

I didn't negotiate my salary at my first few jobs, but quickly realized I had left a lot of money on the table. I began negotiating and I doubled my salary in three years.

Now I use everything I learned from my own experience to help others make tens of thousands more dollars negotiating with Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, @WalmartLabs, Zillow, Kimberly-Clark, Bloomberg, Red Hat, Verizon, IBM, Microsoft, and other companies you've heard of.

Success Stories

Using the excellent techniques in Fearless Salary Negotiation, I was able to push one offer up £18,000, increased my equity and negotiated a better work/life balance as I now work full time from home.


CTO in the fintech space

I gave Fearless Salary Negotiation to my sister. She’s not a SWE, but still works in tech companies and goes through a similar interviewing process. She just started her new job today with a $50k raise over her last salary, ~$25k of that was unexpected / negotiated. Thanks, as always!

Thanks, as always!

R. M.

Fearless Salary Negotiation helped me pick up $10,000 that I almost left on the table. Now I’m not concerned about the cost of relocating.

Matt Wood

retired US Army Sergeant First Class, Assistant Construction Superintendent

Salary negotiation doesn’t have to be scary - it’s a skill you can learn, practice, and improve. Read Fearless Salary Negotiation, take notes, then follow Josh Doody’s step-by-step negotiation process. Your future self will thank you.

Josh Kaufman

best selling author of _The Personal MBA_ and _The First 20 Hours_

I purchased your Complete Bundle. It was well worth the investment. I negotiated a new job offer up $15,000 from the initial offer.

J. G.

I started my job search and I decided to purchase Josh’s $49 book and templates, which I’ve been eyeing for a year. I can’t believe it, but thanks to Josh’s strategy and system of salary negotiation, I just got an offer of $80k for a new job – a $35k raise (77% more) over what I make now!!!! :)

Annie Margarita Yang

Real Estate Accounting Manager

Fearless Salary Negotiation is so good I bought a copy for everyone our company places.

Patrick McKenzie

Getting paid what you're worth is tough. It's even tougher when you don't have a roadmap.

It's time do decide: Are you ready do the work to get paid what you're worth so you can finally afford those things you've been putting off? This is your chance to finally make the downpayment on that house or plan the family vacation you've been dreaming of.

If you're ready to invest in yourself, this is your chance to stop leaving money on the table.

You have the proof that Fearless Salary Negotiation works. You've seen results from professionals who finally got paid what they're worth: software developers, CTOs, CFOs, Project Managers, and people just like you.

Every day that goes by, you're leaving money on the table. Today's the day to change that.

All the best


PS The sooner you start negotiating your salary like a pro, the sooner you'll get paid what you're worth. Fearless Salary Negotiation will teach you skills you can use over and over throughout your career, earning more money every time, so this is one of the best investments you’ll ever make.