I knew going into the negotiation that we were discussing a huge jump in comp from what I was earning. It was a different world for me so I wanted someone on my side who had experience with negotiation.

Josh helped me get the strongest possible offer from my new employer. It wound up being pretty close to the initial offer, but I got a higher signing bonus (+$15,000 over the original offer). The increase will allow me to have a much larger and more elaborate wedding than I was previously planning.

It was really helpful to have someone I could trust to check in and get an opinion. I also liked the exercise of writing the “brag bullets” for the counteroffer. I’m not used to advocating for myself in that way.

I feel a lot better about starting my new job knowing that I’m at the top of the salary band. I don’t feel like I’m trying to play catch-up to where I “should” be valued.